About Me

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I blog about Domestic Violence and abuse, Borderline Personality Disorder, Psychopathy,and Mental Illness affecting relationships, so that I can share my life experiences. Not only because I need to do this to work on my own healing but hopefully to help others through theirs. I have to believe there must be a reason for the abuse I have experienced or it has all been for naught. I am hoping that these blogs will help me work through and understand the lessons that have been learned so I can discover my purpose and assist others through their pain. I hope to blog my way out of the ashes and into beauty, strength, and peace. I pray that no one ever has to go through the things I have experienced. I hope that it is true when they say "Things happen for a reason". I feel that if I can help one person escape from a horrible situation...it would be all worth it.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Just Let Go by Sally Kempton

Just Let Go
By Sally Kempton

Sometimes the simplest advice can be the hardest to take. Here's how to practice detachment without giving up on life.

sallykempton.com http://www.sallykempton.com/home.html

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Little Humor...Sad but True

Peter, Peter pumpkin eater had a wife and couldn’t keep her
He put her in a pumpkin shell and there he kept he very well
Peter, Peter pumpkin eater had a wife and liked to beat her
He put her in a pumpkin shell and there he made it living hell
Peter, Peter pumpkin eater was nothing but a dirty cheater
He put her in a pumpkin shell and lied to her so very well
Peter, Peter was an abusive narcissist
He made his wife obey his every wish
He came home from work one day to find an empty shell
She finally escaped that rotten pumpkin and ran like hell

Excellent information from Lynn Melville

Excellent site with helpful info
