About Me

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I blog about Domestic Violence and abuse, Borderline Personality Disorder, Psychopathy,and Mental Illness affecting relationships, so that I can share my life experiences. Not only because I need to do this to work on my own healing but hopefully to help others through theirs. I have to believe there must be a reason for the abuse I have experienced or it has all been for naught. I am hoping that these blogs will help me work through and understand the lessons that have been learned so I can discover my purpose and assist others through their pain. I hope to blog my way out of the ashes and into beauty, strength, and peace. I pray that no one ever has to go through the things I have experienced. I hope that it is true when they say "Things happen for a reason". I feel that if I can help one person escape from a horrible situation...it would be all worth it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Courage to be Free

1.  Stop looking for other people's approval to determine your own self worth. Trying to please those who cannot, will not, or are unable to recognize your worth, is like giving a gift to someone who looks at the price tag before they decide if they like it.
2. Stop feeling responsible for the happiness or unhappiness of others. You cannot do or say anything to people who CHOOSE to be miserable. They will NEVER be happy.
3.  Stop thinking you can change what happened yesterday by reliving it today…or talking about it…it only keeps you in the past and you miss the beauty of the present moment.
4.  Stop spending time with people who have agreed to live with negative states. Genuinely cheerful people are contagious. Birds of a feather…Flock with the eagles not the chickens.
5. Stop believing you can only be as successful as you are willing to push yourself through life. Push always comes to shove…and feeling pressured. Little successes lead to progress and big rewards with minimal effort.
6.  Stop explaining or justifying your actions to yourself or others. Fault finders will pick you apart by finding every flaw in your armor and attacking you in those areas.

I think this is from the Guy Finley website...I just embelished  it with some of my own thoughts.
Guy Finley's Website HERE

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